Take a walk!
Organisation role
Spierdijk, Noord-Holland, Nederland
Grocery shoppingAccompanyingSocial contactOutdoors
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Scan me or visit en.vrijwilligerspunt.com/o/Hulp-Dichtbij/p2p-opportunities/Take-a-walk/21884 to join
Scan me or visit en.vrijwilligerspunt.com/o/Hulp-Dichtbij/p2p-opportunities/Take-a-walk/21884 to join
Would you like to visit the market in Spierdijk with someone?Detailed description
Older lady with memory problems who lives in a residential group of Woonzorgcentrum De Oever in Spierdijk would love to visit the market on Tuesday or Thursday. She likes to be alone but likes to chat. Outside she walks with a walker. Are you the one who comes with her? Let us know!
In these difficult times around the coronavirus, we look at what is feasible. A walk may take place according to the RIVM guidelines.
About Hulp Dichtbij
Help Close by is the place where private clients can request help from a volunteer and where volunteers can offer their services to clients.
The website provides an up-to-date overview of questions and providers.
The website provides an up-to-date overview of questions and providers.