Spotting trains together!
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Would you like to spot trains or travel together, jump on a trampoline, skate, play games?Detailed description
I'm a 15 year old boy and I enjoy spotting trains. I live in Obdam and I sometimes travel independently from Obdam to Alkmaar or Hoorn. I like spotting trains with a buddy or traveling by train, jumping a trampoline, skating, gaming or just doing something fun that comes to mind. I go to school every day until 2.30 pm and then I am home around 3.30 pm. You can also pick me up from school (Hoorn) or that we can do something one evening or during the weekend. I would love to do this once a month with a young person of about 18 to 30. I enjoy sharing my knowledge about trains with my buddy. Would you like to undertake these activities with me? At least I'm looking forward to it! I enjoy sharing my knowledge about trains with my buddy. Would you like to undertake these activities with me? At least I'm looking forward to it! I made the photo with my application in Obdam.
About WilgaerdenLeekerweideGroep Begeleid Wonen
We are there for young and old. For people with and without disabilities. And for people who need guidance for a short or longer period of time. Everything is possible. We are also there for parties that, like us, support people who want to shape their lives according to their own insight: municipalities, fellow service providers and other professionals. We love to share our expertise and experience. Because that makes us all better. And that is exactly our goal. Together we can do more than alone.