Do you like reading to children, then you are the one we are looking for

Do you like reading to children, then you are the one we are looking for

Organisation role · 1–2 hrs/Week
Maelsonstraat 12, 1624 NP Hoorn, Nederland
Social contactBefriendingTeaching
Children & youth

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We are looking for readers for the Reading Together project for Medemblik, Hoorn, Stede Broec and Enkhuizen.

Detailed description

As a reader, you visit a family that has difficulty with the Dutch language every week to read to the children. Readers will read to children for 20 weeks, every week (one hour) on a fixed day. As a reader, you slowly get parents and children used to reading aloud and books. It is an accessible way to promote reading pleasure so that the vocabulary is increased. With the family, you look at how reading aloud best suits their home situation. We strive to introduce the reading ritual to a family and to give the parents the tools to (if possible) take it over themselves over time. In addition, you also go to the library with the family to find out books. You will be linked to a coordinator who guides you so that reading to everyone is a fun and educational experience! We strive to link readers to a family within their own place of residence. Do you enjoy reading to children between the ages of 2 and 12 and are you also interested in coming into contact with other cultures, then you are more than welcome at Samenvoorlezen. You read 1 hour a week on a fixed day for 20 weeks. In addition, you go to the library to pick out books and prepare for reading. You have a good command of the Dutch language.

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