Alzheimer Nederland afdeling West-Friesland

About Alzheimer Nederland afdeling West-Friesland

Alzheimer Nederland is a foundation with a national office in Amersfoort and 51 regional departments. About 50 employees and 5,500 volunteers from Alzheimer Nederland provide information about the disease, support people with dementia and their loved ones and represent their interests.
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Vrijwilliger bij Alzheimer West Friesland, diverse plekken
Organisation role · Flexible hours
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Vrijwilliger bij Alzheimer West Friesland, diverse plekken
In heel West-Friesland zoeken wij enthousiaste vrijwilligers met een hart voor dementie.. Bij de Onvergetelijke Kookclubs, Alzheimer cafe's, enz enz.Posted by Alzheimer Nederland afdeling West-Friesland


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