Will you join the IVN board?

Will you join the IVN board?

Organisation role · 0–2 hrs/Week
Veilingweg 21a, 1611 BN Bovenkarspel, Nederland
Support workCoordinationTrusteeshipAdministrationMarketing & Communications
Animal welfareNature & sustainabilityEducation

Contact person

Charlotte, Fleur & Yasmine MDT begeleidersAsk Charlotte, Fleur & Yasmine a question
The organiser has marked this opportunity as filled. Applications are closed. You can find other volunteering opportunities here.
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Maatschappelijke Diensttijd
Scan me or visit en.vrijwilligerspunt.com/o/Jong-Westfriesland-in-actie/opportunities/Kom-jij-het-bestuur-van-het-IVN-versterken/30093 to join


The IVN nature education in Westfriesland is looking for a young board member who will strengthen their board

Detailed description

The IVN West-Friesland organizes various activities aimed at nature education: nature education at schools, excursions to various nature reserves, they publish their own magazine 3 times a year and they have specific working groups (for example about mushrooms, bats, maintenance of a nature reserve and the construction of a food forest). They also have their own visitor center in the Streekbos in Bovenkarspel.

The IVN would like to give someone the opportunity to gain experience in administrative matters, and they also like to have a breath of fresh air on board. You start as an aspiring board member, if you like it on both sides, you will be fully on the board. During this period as a prospective board member you will be linked to an existing board member and you will be properly trained. It is important that you are interested in nature and that you can commit to the board for a longer period of time.


  • Be present at the board meeting that is held once a month. These are held on Monday afternoon or Monday evening and last an average of 2 hours.
  • Performing manual and tensioning services for the IVN.
  • Functions of treasurer and secretary will be available soon. This can also be filled in within the board. The time investment is approximately 1-2 hours per week.

Are you enthusiastic about this fun and challenging position? Then sign up quickly!

Getting there

The organiser has marked this opportunity as filled. Applications are closed. You can find other volunteering opportunities here.
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About Maatschappelijke Diensttijd

Jong Westfriesland in Actie is the youth network for young people in Westfriesland who (want to) do voluntary work. You can do voluntary work in a flexible way, once or more often, through the Youth Network. Or opt for Social Service Time (MDT), this is more intensive and personal development is central. Young West Friesland in Action is part of Vrijwilligerspunt. Also follow us on social media @vrijwilligerspuntwf
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